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The Museum is Open

In the event of a government shutdown, our Museum will remain open to the public through at least December 24, 2024. More information about visiting the Museum can be found on Plan Your Visit.

Take Action


We can all play a role in helping prevent genocide and related crimes against humanity. Action takes many forms, and every action counts. You can:

Stay informed

Follow the news; explore our website to learn more about places at risk of genocide and other mass atrocities.

Join our community

Stay connected with the Museum's Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide. Sign up to receive email updates and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Engage with your community

Spread the word about what you’ve learned with friends, family, and colleagues.

Support education and relief efforts

Support the Museum’s ongoing efforts to draw attention to places at risk of genocide or related crimes against humanity. Find out more about organizations that help, what they are doing in response to mass atrocities, and how you can assist.

Contact the media

Tell television, radio, newspaper, and online journalists that you want better coverage of places at risk of genocide and other mass atrocities; visit their websites, tag them on social media, call them, and send emails that provide feedback on their coverage.

Contact your elected representatives

Alert them to the need to protect civilians, stop the violence, provide humanitarian assistance if needed, and promote solutions to crises.