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The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum strives to provide an inclusive environment and to ensure that all visitors, employees, applicants for employment, and individuals associated with the Museum are treated respectfully and equitably.

Website Accessibility

The Museum is committed to making its information and communication technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities by meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Our approach to Section 508 requirements gives individuals with disabilities access to electronic and information technology and data comparable to the access obtainable by individuals without disabilities unless doing so would impose an undue hardship on the Museum.

Regardless of the disability, the Museum endeavors to provide an excellent user experience to all users. In order to effectively serve all users, we frequently review our website to make sure that it is accessible, and your feedback on how we can make it better is welcome. For more information, visit our Website Accessibility page. If you believe the Museum has not met a Section 508 requirement, you can file a complaint which can be a written statement, an audio file, Braille, electronic, and/or a video, and should include:

  • Your name, address, and email address, if applicable

  • The date

  • A detailed description of the issue

  • Your signature or the signature of someone authorized to do so on your behalf. Complaints in audio, Braille, electronic, and/or video formats should include an affirmative identity statement.

You may submit your complaint to

Building and Program Accessibility

The Museum is committed to making the Museum, its exhibits, and programs accessible to individuals with disabilities by meeting or exceeding the applicable accessibility standards issued under the Architectural Barriers Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 Rehabilitation Act. For more information, visit our Museum Accessibility page. If you believe the Museum has not met the requirements of the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA), you can file a complaint by contacting

The complaint should include:

  • Your name, address, and email address, if applicable

  • The date

  • A detailed description of the issue

  • Your signature or the signature of someone authorized to do so on your behalf. 

If your complaint alleges that the Museum violated the ABA, we will forward the complaint to the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Board). You may also file a complaint directly with the Board by visiting

Reasonable Accommodations for Employees or Applicants with Disabilities

It is the policy of the Museum to meet or exceed the requirements of Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act by ensuring equal access and employment opportunities to qualified employees and applicants with disabilities in part by providing reasonable accommodations to employees or applicants with a disability. For more information about the reasonable accommodation program or to seek a reasonable accommodation, refer to the Museum’s Reasonable Accommodation Standard Operating Policy, Procedures, and Forms(PDF). 

See also the Museum’s Affirmative Action Plan for the Recruitment, Hiring, Advancement, and Retention of Persons with Disabilities (PDF). 

Additional Resources

Federal Relay Service

The Federal Relay Service provides telecommunications service that enables federal agencies to communicate with individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deafblind or have speech disabilities and wish to communicate with a hearing person who uses a standard telephone. The Federal Relay Service provides additional information and a list of toll-free and toll-access numbers.

US Access Board

The U.S. Access Board is an independent federal agency that promotes equality for people with disabilities through leadership in accessible design and the development of accessibility guidelines and standards. For more information about accessibility guidelines and standards or if you have concerns about the accessibility of another agency’s facilities or resources or seek to file a complaint against another agency, contact the U.S. Access Board.

Equal Opportunity Employment

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE) that embraces a diverse and inclusive workplace. For more information about the Museum’s process for handling EEO complaints, including complaints filed under the Rehabilitation Act, refer to the EEO Complaint Processing Overview (PDF) and EEO Complaint Processing Policy(PDF).  If you are an employee or an applicant for employment with the Museum and you wish to contact an EEO official, including an EEO Counselor or Special Emphasis Manager, please contact us at: 


Tel: 202-382-0255

Postal Address: Equal Employment Opportunity Division U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Washington, DC 20024