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Announcements and Recent Analysis

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  • Iran and Inciting Genocide

    Michael Gerson focuses attention on the inflammatory rhetoric of Iranian leadership, suggesting that it is not only hate speech, but may also border on incitement to genocide.

  • UN Approves Arms Trade Treaty

    In a landmark agreement, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which seeks to keep weapons out of the hands of would-be perpetrators of genocide, crimes against humanity, or other war crimes.

  • Is Genocide in Syria’s Future?

    In June 2012, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum expressed grave concern about the escalating violence in Syria and warned that the increasingly sectarian nature of that violence could, if unchecked, lead to genocide.

  • The Kenyan Elections: Peace Happened

    In a recent blog on the Huffington Post, Susan Benesch, the Museum’s Edith Everett Genocide Prevention Fellow, discusses the myriad of campaigns and initiatives Kenyans and the international community put in place to prevent violence during the March 4 elections.  

  • EU Releases Prevention of Mass Atrocities Assessment

    The Task Force on the European Union Prevention of Mass Atrocities delivered its assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the EU’s ability to respond to mass atrocities. This effort in many ways parallels the work of the Museum co-sponsored Genocide Prevention Task Force (GPTF), which in 2008 put forward a blueprint for U.S. policymakers to detect, prevent and respond to genocide and mass atrocities.