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The Museum is Open

In the event of a government shutdown, our Museum will remain open to the public through at least December 24, 2024. More information about visiting the Museum can be found on Plan Your Visit.

The Shadow

By Esther Rosenfeld Starobin

The sun is bright,

Birds flutter to and fro

Ever-present but I was unaware:

In the shadows lurks

The Holocaust.

Why does the tour guide select me

To tell that Germans settled here

At the beginning of World War II?


Different than any other place I have been,

Quito, Ecuador!

The bus delivers us to a

Suburban Jewish Center

Surrounded by beautiful scenery.

Checked in by guards

We join the Seder celebration.

In line to eat after

The Seder rituals,

The heavily accented elderly man

Spoke to me.

Of course, a Holocaust Survivor.

Will this shadow follow me


© 2022, Esther Rosenfeld Starobin. The text, images, and audio and video clips on this website are available for limited non-commercial, educational, and personal use only, or for fair use as defined in the United States copyright laws.