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Museum Closed

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum is closed on Monday, January 6, 2025, due to inclement weather.

Celebrating 30 Years of Partnership


Thirty years ago, thanks to the bold vision of survivors and an unprecedented public-private partnership with the American people, the Museum opened. Together, we have accomplished so much—but we can’t be complacent. Just as we are losing the eyewitnesses, antisemitism is rising and conspiracy theories and misuse of the Holocaust are taking hold. We must respond by ensuring the truth and relevance of the Holocaust for new generations—far beyond our walls.

Use the links below to learn about 30th Anniversary events, the Museum’s plan for building on the impact it has had over the last three decades, and the supporters who help make our work possible.

Upcoming 30th Anniversary Events

  • Museum supporters and partners gathered in Washington, DC, and virtually to show their ongoing commitment to this institution. Watch the US Capitol ceremony, the National Tribute Event, and remarks by keynote speaker Ken Burns. 

  • Our generous supporters to this comprehensive campaign allow the Museum to invest in keeping Holocaust memory alive as a relevant force for change—inspiring people worldwide to confront hate, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity.

  • As an educational institution that endures as a living memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, the Museum ensures the permanence of Holocaust memory, understanding, and relevance. Learn more about our strategic plan. 

Protect the Truth of the Holocaust

Your support helps the Museum continue its role as a living memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, rescue and preserve evidence while making collections even more widely accessible, and educate new generations about this history, its lessons, and its ongoing relevance. 

  • Partners from around the nation and world describe how working with the Museum strengthens their ability to reach people more broadly and impact them more deeply with Holocaust education, exhibitions, training, and digitizing the evidence.

  • Our next 30 years must be devoted to protecting the truth of the Holocaust and advancing its relevance to new generations in the United States and worldwide. That is now the critical mission for the Builders of the Beyond Our Walls Fund.