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Travel with the Museum

Travel with Museum historians, experts, and supporters to countries of significance during the Holocaust. Travelers will get special behind-the-scenes access to historical sites, museums, and cultural institutions, meet with high-level partners and government officials, and enjoy unique local experiences.

Upcoming Trips

  • Poland: Next Generation Travel

    Open to Museum supporters in their 20s, 30s, or 40s

    Krakow: June 21–June 25, 2025 Optional Warsaw Extension: June 25–28, 2025

    Travel to Krakow with other young philanthropists and leaders and visit meaningful Holocaust sites, including Auschwitz-Birkenau and Belzec.

  • Amsterdam and Berlin

    October 24–November 1, 2025

    Explore Amsterdam and Berlin's Holocaust history with a survivor and Museum volunteer, including visits to the Anne Frank House, the Jewish Museum, and Westerbork transit camp.

Submit Your Interest | Upcoming Trips


These special programs are open to those who make a charitable gift to the Museum of $10,000 or more within the year prior to the trip. Qualifying gifts may be made along with trip registration. 

Photos: View of the entrance to Auschwitz-Birkenau from inside the camp. USHMM, courtesy of bpk-Bildagentur; Houses in Amsterdam. iStock/Adisa