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The Museum is Open

In the event of a government shutdown, our Museum will remain open to the public through at least December 24, 2024. More information about visiting the Museum can be found on Plan Your Visit.

Legacy of Light Founders Society Members

The Legacy of Light Founders Society proudly recognizes members who have made a commitment to secure the Museum’s future by establishing a planned gift of $1 million or more. Donors who direct any outright or planned gifts (or any combination of both) of $1 million or more to the Museum’s endowment are recognized as Legacy of Light Guardian Founders and are included below.

Individuals who have become Legacy of Light Founders or Legacy of Light Guardian Founders through any type of deferred gift are listed only with their consent.

Gifts as of March 1, 2024


Gifts of $25 million or more

Estate of Bernard Aptaker

Susan and William S. Levine and Family

Linda and Schuyler Sylvers


Gifts of $15 million or more

Estate of Eric F. Ross

David M. Rubenstein

Samerian Foundation


Gifts of $10 million or more

Helen M. Clawson*

Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation


Gifts of $5 million or more

Anonymous (1)

The Crown Family Philanthropies

Judith E. Fagin

Reggie Feuerstein, Lisa Feuerstein Maier, and Robert Feuerstein

Jeff Grinspoon and Jon Foley

Lawrence Levit and Nilda Pascual

The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation

Estate of Marcia Mark

Yvonne Picard

Jonathan Rick and Barbara Rick

Louis F. Smith

Janet and John Swanson

Kurt L.* and Marilyn Wallach


Gifts of $2 million or more

Anonymous (1)

Shelley and Alex Danziger

Diamonstein-Spielvogel Foundation, Inc.

Rosalee Eisenstadt

Anne and Isidore Falk Charitable Foundation

Rafael Feferman*

Kaja Finkler

Howard L.* and Judie Ganek

Rebecca Knaster

William and Sheila Konar Foundation

Ann Wolk Krouse and Paul C. Krouse*

Chris Lerman* and the Lerman and Neubauer Families

Lilly Endowment Inc.

Estate of Juan Jorge Schäffer

Deanie and Jay Stein

Arthur Strick, M.D.

Elaine Nina Tanay

The Unger Family

Steven E. Zinn and Susan M. Zinn


Gifts of $1 million or more

Anonymous (4)

Robert* and Alice Abt

John and Angelika Baum

Tom and Andi Bernstein

Jay and Adrienne Carsman

Carol and Douglas Cohen

Andrew and Amy Cohn

M. Stephen and Arlyne G. Cook

Eva Cooper

Ronald Costell, M.D, and Marsha E. Swiss

Leonard and Sophie Davis Fund

Devinki, Pack, and Kolkin Families

Heather Dunhill and Ted Meekma

David H. Enzel

Mimi Fiszel

Michael B. Fox and Nancy E. Fox

Amy and Mort Friedkin

Connie and David Girard-diCarlo

Allan R. Glass

Irene and Carl Glassberg*

The Leslie and Susan Gonda (Goldschmied) Foundation

Steven K. and Winifred A. Grinspoon

Dr. Michael and Joyce Y. Hallet

Eric and Linda Horodas

Gayle A. Karhanek

Bobby Ellen Kimbel, PhD

Gordon Kit

Robert and Evyan Koenig

Ellen and Murray Koppelman

Steven and Alexis Larky

Drs. Stuart and Ellen Lessans, in loving memory of Sara and Samuel Lessans

Morris Leviloff Trust

David W. Lowenberg

Susan E. Lowenberg

Steve and Cindy Lyons

Milton and Tamar Maltz

Ellen R. Marram

Helen Farber Marshall

Alan and Amy Meltzer

Jennifer Loew Mendelson and Dan Mendelson

Estate of Bella Mischkinsky

Alfred Münzer and Joel Wind

Gary H. and Linda Z.* Oberlender

Richard and Linda Price and Family

Sheila Johnson Robbins*

William and Sandra Rosenbaum

Pamela and Mark* Rubin

Betty and Howard Schwartz Family Foundation

Elinor A. Seevak

Mickey Shapiro

Dee Dee and Eliot Simon

David S. Sklar

Alan Solomon, MD

Monty J. Strauss and Jane L. Winer

Arthur Strick, MD

Hannah Kastan Weiss

Estate of Leon Weiss

Melanie I. and Bradley D. Wine

Diane Wohl
