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Founders Society Members

The Founders Society recognizes our most generous donors who have made the exceptional cumulative commitment of $1 million or more. The Museum is profoundly grateful for their support, which ensures the far-reaching impact of our vitally important global institution.

Gifts as of February 24, 2025

Guardians of Memory

Gifts of $25 million or more

Estate of Bernard Aptaker Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany The Hillside Foundation—Allan and Shelley Holt Susan and William S. Levine and Family Eric F. and Lore Ross* Linda and Schuyler Sylvers


Gifts of $20 million or more

Samerian Foundation

Trustees’ Circle

Gifts of $15 million or more

Helen M. Clawson* Crown Families Philanthropies William and Sheila Konar Foundation David M. Rubenstein David and Fela Shapell Family Foundation

Chairman's Circle

Gifts of $10 million or more

Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation The Howard Unger Family


Gifts of $5 million or more 

Anonymous Albert Abramson* Charles S. Ackerman* Anne and Isidore Falk Charitable Foundation Rafael Feferman* The Feil Family Reggie Feuerstein, Lisa Feuerstein Maier, and Robert Feuerstein Leslie and Susan Gonda (Goldschmied) Foundation Jeff* and Toby Herr Estate of Maria M. Hustace The Sidney Kimmel Foundation Jeannie and Jonathan Lavine The Marcus Foundation, Inc. Estate of Marcia Mark The Harvey M. and Lyn P. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc., and the Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Memorial Fund Jane and Daniel Och Irene C. Rechnic Trust The Shapiro Family – Mickey Shapiro, Steven and Margie and Edward Shapiro Deanie and Jay Stein John and Janet Swanson Bella Wexner* and Leslie H. and Abigail Wexner

Pillars of Memory

Gifts of $2 million or more 

Anonymous (7) Gary and Pennie, Ronald and Anne, and Jeffrey Abramson Miriam and Sheldon* Adelson, Roberta and Irwin Chafetz, and Joan and Ted Cutler* Adelson Family Foundation and the Adelson Charitable Foundation The Annenberg Foundation The Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Foundation Bender Foundation, Inc. Bildners—Joan and Allen z”l, Elisa Spungen and Rob, Nancy and Jim The Bluhm Family Foundation In memory of Martin, Maurice, and Matthew Bucksbaum—Madelyn Bucksbaum Adamson & Allen Adamson, Jacolyn & John Bucksbaum, Julie & Louis Bucksbaum, Ann B. & Thomas L. Friedman, Mary & Patrick Scanlan Marcy & Neil Cohen | Diane & Howard Zack | Theresa & Mark Cohen The Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family Foundation Rena Rowan Damone* The Leonard and Sophie Davis Fund Estate of Suzette Derzavis Devinki, Stahl, and Fink Families Diamonstein-Spielvogel Foundation, Inc. Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation George Ellowitz* Estate of Eugenie Fromer Howard L.* and Judie Ganek Susie and Michael Gelman Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation—Victoria and Lloyd Goldman, Dorian Goldman and Marvin Israelow, and Katja Goldman and Michael Sonnenfeldt Richard and Rhoda Goldman Foundation Ellen and Melvin* Gordon and Family The Alexander Grass Foundation Estate of Andrew Harper Carylon and Julius Hemmelstein* Family The Katz Family Jack and Barbara Kay* The Klarman Family Foundation The Kovler Family Foundation Miles and Chris Lerman* Jeanette Lerman-Neubauer and Joe Neubauer Morris Leviloff Trust Dr.* and Mrs. Alec C. Levin and Family Lilly Endowment, Inc. Estate of Vera E. Loewy Howard M. Lorber and Family Estate of Peter H. Lowenthal The Judd, Randi, Stephen, and Barry Malkin Families Alan and Amy Meltzer Jennifer Loew Mendelson and Daniel N. Mendelson Milken Family Foundation Estate of Marie C. Nathan Lucy* and Murray Pantirer Family Estate of Elizabeth and Lee Pearl Lynn and Lewis Pell The Perlow Family Planethood Foundation, Inc. Polsky Foundation Ratner, Miller, Shafran Families Righteous Persons Foundation Arthur and Toni Rock Renee and Edward Ross Foundation The Helena Rubinstein Foundation Estate of Juan Jorge Schäffer Dennis Schuman Living Trust Schwarz Foundation The Nathan and Lilly Shapell Foundation and the Shapell Guerin Family Foundation The Curt C. and Else Silberman Foundation Deborah Simon Steven Spielberg The Oliver Stanton Foundation Fern and Manfred Steinfeld Family John Stewart* Victim List Project of the Swiss Banks Settlement (US District Court, Eastern District of New York, Honorable Edward R. Korman, presiding) Wilf Family Foundations Hilda*, Otto*, Brenda, and Sandra Wolf Marilyn and Sigi* Ziering


Gifts of $1 million or more 

Anonymous (3) Madlyn* and Leonard Abramson Robert* and Alice Abt Michel F. Adler Norman E. Alexander Family M Foundation, Inc. Lynn K. Altman Trust American Gays and Lesbians, Families and Friends Ancestry Ted* and Lin Arison Barry J. and Heidi Aronoff The Bank of America Charitable Foundation David* and Betty-Jean Bavar The Bender Family— Blake Construction The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation Jill and Jay Bernstein Tom A. and Andi Bernstein Melinda Bieber and Norman Pozez Barbara S. Bluhm-Kaul and Family Anne and Ned Bord* Braman Family Foundation Estate of Samuel Brandt Martin*, Maurice*, and Matthew* Bucksbaum Families The Rhoda and David Chase Family Foundation, Inc. The Chrysler Corporation Fund Caryn J. Clayman The Coca-Cola Company Craig and Deborah Cogut Amy and Andrew Cohn Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation Eva Cooper Dr. Sidney Davidson Martin* and Luella Davis Estate of Bernice and Louis Dozoretz, MD Cindy Stein Edelman Irwin and Ginny Edlavitch EMC Corporation Fannie Mae Foundation Ron and Deborah Feinstein Dalck and Rose Feith* Family Claudia Gordon Felson Idit and Moti Ferder Ferenc Family Charitable Foundation of Brooklyn Peter* and Adrienne Feuer Gerald M. and Mary L. Fisch* Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher* Mr. and Mrs. James Ingo Freed* and Family The Freed Foundation Amy and Mort Friedkin Abel and Judith Friedman Lorraine and Jack N. Friedman* Philip M. Friedmann Family Laura Ginns and Family Irene and Carl Glassberg* Dr. David* and Joan Goldfarb The Goldsmith Family Foundation Gonda Family Foundation Murray H. and Joan M. Goodman Estate of Bernard Gotfryd Harold and Sylvia Greenberg* The Maurice R. and Corrine P. Greenberg Foundation Marcy Gringlas and Joel Greenberg, Seed the Dream Foundation Martin and Ahuva Gross Nathan and Sophia Gumenick* Joseph Gurwin Family Foundation Sam* and Gladys Halpern Estate of Helmut Hannes Estate of Gordon R. Harwitz The Merrill Hassenfeld Family Drs. Donald and Gwen Hecht Erwin Herling* Suzanne and Steven Hilton and Family Hoffberger Family Fund, Inc. Jones Day Foundation Marsha and Henry Laufer Susan Karkomi and Marvin Leavitt Carol and Edward Kaplan The Kay Family Foundation, Inc. Robert and Evyan Koenig Allen, Dolores, Herbert, and Sidney Kohl Families Doris and Simon Konover* Murray and Ellen Koppelman and Sandra Glicksman Koret Foundation Barbara and Fred Kort Foundation Robert K. Kraft and Family The Kraus Family Foundation Ann Wolk Krouse and Paul C. Krouse* Estate of Samuel Kuflik Elsie Kurasch* Rae Kushner* Ronald S., Jo Carole, and Estée* Lauder and the Lauder Foundation The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation Marcia and Alan B. Lazowski Vita and Bertram Lefkowitz Jacob and Charlotte Lehrman Foundation Leichtag Family Foundation The Annette M. and Theodore N. Lerner Family Foundation The Lerner Foundation Gerard Leval—Arent Fox PLLC Karen and Bruce Levenson Susan and Bart Lewis The Libitzky Family Foundation Marianne and Frank Liebermann* Estate of Mark B. Lieberman Lainie and Kenny Lipschutz Anita and Arnold* Lorber David W. Lowenberg Susan E. Lowenberg The Lumer Family Strive and Tsitsi Masiyiwa, Econet Wireless Peter W. and Leni May Bernard* and Lusia Milch Samuel H. and Maria Miller Foundation Seymour and Vivian Milstein* Estate of Bella Mischkinsky David and Ruth Mitzner* and Ira and Mindy Mitzner Linda, Sidney, Rachel, and Ari Moskowitz The Nussdorf Family Foundation Gary H. and Linda Z.* Oberlender Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patron and Marcia Patron* Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph Pell Arnold S. and Madaleine Penner Family Foundation Jennie Perelman Foundation Edwin and Penelope Peskowitz Julie Peyton The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation Alan Pines, Mark Sarna, and Martin Statfeld Irene and Abe Pollin* Linda and Richard Price and Family The Price Family The Pritzker Family J. B. and M. K. Pritzker Family Foundation Benjamin and Seema Pulier Charitable Foundation Judith B. and Burton P.* Resnick Pearl Resnick* Charles H. Revson Foundation Lester Robbins and Sheila Johnson Robbins* Marcus* and Ann Rosenberg Gerald Rosenbluth* Samuel and Jean Rothberg* Lawrence J. and Anne Rubenstein Charitable Foundation The Sacks Family Samberg Family Foundation Shirley Sarna and Steven Nelson S. H. and Helen Scheuer Family Foundation Irving and Helen Schneider* The Jerome and Saul Schottenstein Families Estate of Trude Schreiber Betty and Howard Schwartz Family Foundation Jamie Diamond Schwartz and David Schwartz Joseph Schwartz Family Foundation Jaime and Andrew Schwartzberg Elinor A. Seevak* Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation J. B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Charitable Trust Morris and Evelyn Sidewater* Erika and Andrew* Sigel Karyn and William Silverstein Herbert Simon Family Foundation Louis Franklin Smith Foundation The Smith Kogod Families Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Jan Solomon and Ken Simonson The Sosland Family The Starr Foundation Henry and Rita "Riva" Stern* Laurie and Sy Sternberg Estate of Jack Stevens* The Sudikoff Family Foundation Dr.* and Mrs. Laszlo Tauber and Family The David Tepper Charitable Foundation Laurence* and Billie Tisch Laurie M. Tisch Preston Robert Tisch* Jack and Helen Tramiel* Walmart Foundation The Max Webb Foundation Frederick R. Weisman Philanthropic Foundation Estate of Leon Weiss Harry & Judith Wilf* and Joseph & Elizabeth Wilf* The Winnick Family Foundation Carolyn and Bill Wolfe The Severin Wunderman Family William* and Helen*, Sam and Arlene, Jeff and Lauri Zell Zell Family Foundation Levenstein, Pantirer, Zuckerman Families David B. Zugman Revocable Trust
