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The Museum is Open

In the event of a government shutdown, our Museum will remain open to the public through at least December 24, 2024. More information about visiting the Museum can be found on Plan Your Visit.

Rights and Reproductions

Some collections content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights such as copyright, trademark, rights of publicity, privacy, and contractual restrictions. It is your responsibility to obtain the permission(s) you need in order to use Collections content. If you have specific questions or information about copyright or permissions, contact the Permissions Office at

Use of Collections Images and Media

Collections viewable on the web may be owned by the Museum, owned by others and used with their permission, or used by the Museum in accordance with applicable law. For additional information, you may consult the Museum’s copyright and legal Terms of Use.


The Museum offers a variety of duplication services for personal, educational, and commercial purposes. Materials that have not been digitized or not available in your preferred format may be requested, however some reproduction requests may not be fulfilled due to the complexity, cost, and scale of the work. In addition, the Museum only allows duplication of collections materials that are in stable condition. The staff will not duplicate items that are too fragile or may be damaged by the duplication process.

Request Photographs and Still Images

For information about reproduction services, contact

To order reproductions and request permission to use images, visit the record for the selected image in our Collections catalog. Click on Order Photo or Order Copies to submit requests for each item you would like reproduction of or permission to use. If you are submitting a request for the first time, you will be prompted to set up an account with our Collections Request System. Once you have set up an account, you will be able to track the status of requests using the system.

Orders will be filled in the order in which they are received. Please allow up to three weeks to complete any request.

Request Film, Oral History and Recorded Sound

If archive footage, oral histories, or historical sound recordings are in the public domain and have no copyright restrictions, the Museum can supply digital files directly by a share file / FTP service. Staff will upload files and share a link with the client for downloading. Materials that are not in the public domain must be cleared with the rights holder by the requestor before duplication. Please visit the Museum’s Collections Search catalog at to locate film, video, or audio collections. Click on the Order Copies button in orange to submit requests for each item you would like to obtain in a digital format. Consult for feedback or questions on specific items. To obtain copies of interviews conducted by the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive, you must contact the USC Shoah Foundation at directly.

Request Archival or Document Copies

The Museum cannot generally fulfill requests from offsite researchers for copies of individual documents or for the duplication of paper-based collections. As a courtesy, staff may be able to reproduce a limited number of sample pages as time and resources permit and as long as there are no restrictions on access, use, or duplication associated with the materials requested. Researchers are welcome to hire independent researchers or send someone to the Reading Room to duplicate materials on their behalf. Get more information on independent researchers for hire below.

Reproductions in the Reading Room

Archival and published materials are available for consultation, by appointment and advance arrangement, in the Reading Room at the David and Fela Shapell Family Collections, Conservation and Research Center in Bowie, Maryland. Scanning machines are available for use free of charge and subject to restrictions under the copyright law of the United States. The use of personal cameras, smartphones, and other mobile devices is also permitted in the Reading Room. All microform stations are enabled with scanners that create digital copies of materials. The Museum will provide free portable USB storage devices for patrons. For visitors who have arranged to view material culture including objects, artwork, and textiles in the Collections Services Suites, photography of artifacts for non-commercial use is permitted. However, the use of monopods, tripods, studio lights, light boxes, or other such equipment is not permitted. All use of reproductions must comply with the Museum's Terms of Use.

Independent Researchers Available for Hire

The Museum does not maintain a list of local researchers for hire nor provide recommendations or endorsements of their services. However, you may consults lists made available by: