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82 Names

82 Names: Syria, Please Don’t Forget Us is a documentary film that traces the journey of Mansour Omari, a survivor of torture and imprisonment in Syria. When Mansour was released from prison, he smuggled out scraps of cloth sewn within the shirt he was wearing. The names of his cellmates are written on them with an ink made from blood and rust.

The film follows Mansour as he seeks to rebuild his life in exile. As the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington prepares to display the cloths, he visits sites in Germany that memorialize the victims of the Holocaust and he reflects on how to bring attention to the brutal regime he escaped—and how to counter extremist ideology in the future.

The IHRA Committee on Holocaust, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity recommends this film as an educational resource.

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Please notify about how you plan to use the film.

This film was produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. It contains material protected by copyright and all rights are reserved. This film may not be reproduced and use is limited to educational purposes only.

This film contains difficult subject matter and imagery. Some segments may not be appropriate for younger audiences.

This film is available in the following languages: عربي | Deutsch | Español | Italiano

Additional Resources

Discussion Guide

This guide includes context and background for the film and discussion questions to review after viewing it.

Movie Poster

This poster is meant to be printed 11 inches wide by 17 inches tall.

This page is also available in: عربي