US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Representing the experiences of many Jewish children during the Nazi era, “Daniel” narrates through his diary the history of the Holocaust in ways that children can understand. Recreated environments present life in a middle-class German home, in a Jewish ghetto in occupied Poland, and finally at the Auschwitz concentration camp. The exhibition is explicit without being graphic. Recommended for ages 8 or older.
This exhibition was supported by the following exhibition sponsors: in honor of Sara Futerman from her children; Robert I. Glimcher; Norman and Elaine Polsky and Family; and Target; with additional support from: the Butler Family Fund; L’Chaim Foundation; Lester Robbins and Sheila Johnson Robbins; in honor of Lily Roth and Neil Starr from David and Helen Spitzberg; and Judy and Stanley Ruskin.
Anne and Isidore Falk Gallery, First Floor. No passes required.